News from the Aspire Archive!
We are very pleased to announce the publication of Aspire’s first series of business communication primers! These primers were created with non-native English speakers in mind and focus on the key skills needed to thrive in a global environment.
Our new “Aspire Primers Suite” contains five new textbooks:
Aspire Business Basics
Aspire Global Business English
Aspire Global Meetings
Aspire Presentation Perfection
Aspire Global Leaders
Our primers are paired with our Go Global! e-learning site where trainees can self-study for review and follow video examples to perfect their new skills!
Our thanks go to the many trainees we’ve had the pleasure of working with over the last 15 years – you were the inspiration for these primers!
To find out how we can help you provide quality training, contact:

この新しいシリーズ “Aspire Primers Suite” は以下の5つのテキストブックから構成されています。
・Aspire Business Basics
・Aspire Global Business English
・Aspire Global Meetings
・Aspire Presentation Perfection
・Aspire Global Leaders
この教材は、わたしたちのe-learningサイト Go Global! と対応しています。このサイトには予習・復習に役立つ参考動画などをご用意しており、新たに学習したスキルを完璧なものにするための自主学習にお使いいただけます。